Senior USDA Advisor on Ag's Opportunity at COP 28

The US lead for AIM for Climate, USDA Senior Advisor Jaime Adams, on food and agriculture’s role in the climate conversation on the road to COP 28.

Adams was interviewed at the AIM for Climate Summit in Washington, DC.

The Point Cloud is Agerpoint’s interview series featuring leaders at the intersection of climate, agriculture, nature, and technology. Watch and read highlights from the conversation below. You can also hear the full interview as an audio podcast on your favorite platforms.

Key Quotes from Jaime Adams

“In the past, the conversation around climate action has been centered on the energy sector, and this is a huge opportunity to raise the profile of food and agriculture. Often, and most importantly, agriculture is a contributor to greenhouse gas emissions - that balance between mitigation and adaptation - and agriculture has a role to play in the solution. And being able, as one of the main sectors, to sequester carbon is a critical opportunity.”

“When we launched AIM for Climate with the United Arab Emirates as our co-host, we had no idea that they were the incoming COP 28 presidency. We didn't have a Magic 8 Ball telling us, hey, this is a huge opportunity. It is very fortuitous that [we’re] now partnering with them as the incoming COP 28 presidency to create a moment.”

“And of course, having Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri at the helm at the Ministry of Climate Change & Environment and our great partner with Secretary Vilsack is a huge opportunity, a pivotal moment on the road to COP 28 here at the Summit to energize the conversation. 500 partners are now really excited about this opportunity that's ahead at COP 28 to profile food and agriculture.”


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